Tuesday, August 11, 2009

George: White House Propoganda vs. Study and Debate

This sounds like pure White House propaganda, which I have already received from them directly, thank you.

My concern is that the Obama plan, in trying to fix aspects of U.S. healthcare that don't work, will louse up the parts that do work, leaving us all worse off and with big financial problems too.

Like most full-time working people, I have medical coverage through my employer which uses a private insurer, and am fairly happy with it, though it is expensive. My fear is that a government plan can always put private insurers out of business eventually, not because it is truly more efficient but because a government program can operate indefinitely at a loss, and a private company can't do that. The result will be LESS CHOICE.

Are the President and the senators and representatives and their families, and all federal workers, going to depend on the Obama proposal for their health insurance? No. They have no intention of giving up the very nice plan they already have. It contains lots of choices, and it is subsidized by the other taxpayers ---- us. They cannot extend this to all Americans because then the funding would be insufficient. As Margaret Thatcher observed, "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

I firmly believe that this complicated problem needs to be studied and debated. We all understand that there is a need for a way to help deserving and hard working citizens like Christa or Mary Kay, who for various reasons cannot get health insurance coverage. In this great country there surely can be found a sensible solution to this situation. But medical care is very expensive and there is no use pretending that it's free. Somebody has to pay for it.

The reason people are disturbed is that a bunch of privileged politicians are attempting to shove this massive and expensive program down our throats in a big hurry, without debate, and whether we want it or not. Their arrogance deserves to be repudiated.


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